Dr John Morley
Honorary Senior Lecturer, The University Centre for Academic English, The University of Manchester
Address: Samuel Alexander Building, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL
Tel: +44 (0)161 275 3428
E-Mail: john.morley@manchester.ac.uk
Role within the University of Manchester
Prior to being given an honorary role, I was responsible for the University’s year round academic English programmes. I also oversaw the organisation and delivery of the University’s institution-wide language provision which offered courses in up to 20 different languages – ranging from Arabic to Urdu – to students, staff and members of the public. More recently, I have taught postgraduate course modules in Global English and Intercultural Communication. As Honorary Senior Lecturer, I currently provide support for the University’s summer academic English programmes.
Background and Interests
Before coming to Manchester I taught English in universities and schools in Australia, Singapore, Indonesia and Spain. My interests include exploring ways to promote independent language learning and mapping the phraseology used in written academic English. One of my most successful projects was the creation of the Academic Phrasebank, which is now used by academics, researchers and students across the world.
I served as Chair of the Association of University Language Centres in the United Kingdom and Ireland from 2012 to 2018.
Qualifications include: Cert. TEFLA, BA (Hons) English, RSA Dip TEFLA, Diploma in Education (Australia), MEd (Hons) (Australia), PhD (Manchester). I am a registered Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Recent Publications
- ‘Facilitating learning about academic phraseology: teaching activities for student writers’, (Co-authored with Mary Davis) Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. Special Edition, pp 1- 17, 2018
- ‘Writing with sources: how much can be copied?’ (Co-authored with Mary Davis) in Student Plagiarism in Higher Education, edited by Diane Pecorari and Philip Shaw. Oxford: Routledge, 2018
- ‘Phrasal intertextuality: The responses of academics from different disciplines to students’ re-use of phrases’ (Co-authored with Mary Davis). Journal Second Language Writing 28 (2) pp. 20-35, 2015.
- ‘UCML-AULC survey of Institution-Wide Language Provision in universities in the UK (2012-2013)’ (Co-authored with Caroline Campbell and Peter Howarth). Higher Education Academy, 2013.
- ‘Use your own words: Exploring the boundaries of plagiarism’ (Co-authored with Mary Davis). In EAP within the higher education garden: Cross-pollination between disciplines, departments and research, John Wrigglesworth (Ed.). Proceedings of the BALEAP Conference, Portsmouth 2011. Reading: Garnet, 2013.
- ‘The role of reusable phrases in postgraduate writing: multimensional perspectives’ (Co-authored with Mary Davis). In English for Specific Academic Purposes: Proceedings of the 2009 BALEAP conference edited by S.Etherington. Reading: Garnet Education, 2011.
- Spanish Grammar and Communicative Resources (co-authored with Ana Nino). Santillana, University of Salamanca, 2009.
- Español Lengua Viva: Grammar Reference (co-authored with Ana Nino). Santilliana, University of Salamanca, 2009.
- ‘Question types in English language diagnostic testing’ (co-authored with Mary Magee-Wood) in Proceedings of the 12th CAA International Computer Assisted Assessment Conference edited by F. Khandia. Loughborough University, 2008.
- ‘Teaching Writing in a British University: An institutional Case Study’ in Teaching Academic Writing edited by P. Friedrich. New York: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2008.
- ‘Measuring oral proficiency gain on presession courses’, in Does EAP Work? edited by A. Gillet and L. Wray. London: British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes: London, 2006.
- The University Writing Course (co-authored with Ian Pople and Peter Doyle). Athens: Express Publishing, 2006
- ‘The development of fluency in advanced language learners’ (co-authored with Sandra Truscott). In The Concept of Progression in the Teaching and Learning of Foreign Languages edited by T. Harden, A. Witte and D. Kohler. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2006.
- ‘Incorporating peer assessment into tandem learning’ (co-authored with Sandra Truscott). Language Learning Journal 33, 2006.
- ‘Mastery and command of the English language’ in Modern English Teacher 15(2) 2006.
- On Course series (Spanish, French, Italian and German) co-edited with Sandra Truscott) London: Hodder Arnold, 2005.
- ‘An initiative to develop Academic Phrasebank: a university-wide online writing resource’ in Snaphots of Innovation, Enterprise Centre for Learning & Curriculum Innovation (University of Manchester & UMIST), 2004.
- Words for Ideas, (co-authored with Ian Pople) Athens: Express Publishing, 2004.
- ‘The integration of research oriented learning into a tandem learning programme’ (co-authored with Sandra Truscott) in Language Learning Journal, 27, 2003.
- ‘Taking the initiative: from academic survival to academic success’ in Supporting Student Learning: Case Studies, Experience and Practice edited by G Crosling and G Webb. London: Kogan Page, 2002.
- ‘Cross-Cultural learning through computer mediated communication’ (co-authored with Sandra Truscott) in Language Learning Journal 24, 2002.
- ‘Running a tandem learning scheme as an accredited module: problems and considerations’ (co-authored with Sandra Truscott) in Beyond Language Teaching edited by M. Mozzon-McPherson and R. Vismans. London: CILT, 2001.
- ‘The quantity and quality of corrective feedback on a reciprocal language learning scheme’ (co-authored with Sandra Truscott) in Language Learning Futures: Issues and Strategies for Modern Languages Provision in Higher Education edited by J. Coleman, D. Ferney, D. Head, R.Rix. CILT, London. 2001.
- ‘Authenticity in the classroom: tasks and texts’ (co-authored with Bill Guariento), English Language Teaching Journal. 55, 2001.
- ‘The Chaplen Test revisited’ in Assessing English for Academic Purposes edited by G. Blue, J. Milton and J Saville. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2000.
Presentation of conference papers in the UK and internationally
- ‘Phrase level intertextuality: The views of tutors from different disciplines’ at the BALEAP (British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes) Biennial Conference The Janus Moment in EAP: Revisiting the Past and Building the Future (with Mary Davis) The University of Nottingham. 2013 (July).
- ‘Consolidation and reference of new vocabulary using a dynamic ‘lexical spreadsheet’. CERCLES (European Confederation of Language Centres in Higher Education) Annual Conference, London School of Economics. 2012 (September)
- ‘A lexical spreadsheet for learners of Arabic’. LLAS: Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies Conference: Language Futures: Languages in higher Education. The University of Edinburgh. 2012 (July).
- ‘Accomodating diversity: the case of academic reading in German for researchers’ Languages in Higher Education 2010 Conference: Raising the Standards for Languages. LLAS: London (with John Bellamy) 2010 (July)
- Re-using words is not plagiarism: establishing the role of recurrent academic phrases in postgraduate writing: Writing developments in higher education conference: Sustainable Approaches to Writing Development London: Write Now Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (with Mary Davis) 2010 (June)
- ‘Phraseological recycling in academic writing’ at the 5th EATAW Conference: The Roles of Writing Development in Higher Education and Beyond. Coventry University (with Mary Davies). 2009 (June)
- ‘The role of reusable phrases in postgraduate writing: student perspectives’ at the BALEAP (British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes) Biennial Conference: English for Specific Academic Purposes. Reading University (with Mary Davies). 2009 (April)
- ‘Creating a space for recycling recurrent word combinations in non-native academic writing’ at the WDHE (Writing Developments in Higher Education) Biennial Conference: Times and Spaces for Writing. Strathclyde, (with Mary Davis).2008 (June)
- ‘Una Aproximación a Tandem Learning: La Experiencia de la Universidad de Manchester’, Facultad de Filología, University of Seville. 2008 (March)
- ‘Insights and techniques for teaching international students’ at the BALEAP (British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes) Biennial Conference: EAP in a Globalising World: English as an Academic Lingua Franca. Durham University, (with Ishbel Saxton). 2007
- ‘Measuring oral proficiency gain in advanced learners’ at the BALEAP (British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes) Professional Issues Meeting: Does EAP Work? University of Hertfordshire. 2006 (June)